
9 important questions on Biopharmacy

What is the most direct route of administration?

The intravenous injection, because the complete dose of the drug is injected in the systemic blood circulation. The drug release, dissolution and the absorption process aren't necessary, only the distribution is important

How is the drug eliminated from the body after intravenous injection?

Metabolism and excretion

Why is volume of distribution so important?

Because, it tells us something about where the drug ends up during the distribution phase.
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Drugs administered via non-intravenous routes have to:

Enther the blood flow -> the basoprtion process. Drug comes from the gastrointestinal tract and goes to the portal vein system, then goes to the liver and in the end it enters the systemic circulation

Absorption process considers of 2 fases:

Dissolving and transport over the membrane

What means pharmaceutical availability?

Fraction of the total amount of drugs that is present in the dosage form, that will dissolve in the fluids of the gastrointestinal tract. So fraction from the drug that dissolves.

By changing physical chemical aspects of a drug and its dosage form for example the dissolution rate,

You can change the action, the duration of action and the intensity of a drug.

How to increase the dissolution rate?

  • Als de deeltjes kleiner gemaakt worden, wordt het oppervlak groter en wordt de oplossnelheid groter.
  • Charge
  • Salt form
    • Crystalline habit or amorphous material

What is the effect of ionisation (charge) on passive drug absorption?

Hydrofiele stoffen lossen goed op in het lumen en in bloed, maar passeren het membraan lastig => paracellulaire route. Lipofiele stoffen lossen slecht op in de lumen. Ze kunnen dus wel makkelijker de membraan passeren => transcellulaire route. Bij het passeren van een membraan wil je liever geen geladen molecuul. Protonated acids and depronated bases are the driving force for the absorption process.

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