Network interference

12 important questions on Network interference

What is a metabolic network?

Nodes = metabolites
Edges = interactions

Network composed of metabolites and their biochemical interactions in an organism

What properties can be included in a network?

Topology, stochiometry, directionality, kinetics, regulation

Layers of information

What is an adjacency matrix?

Encodes all interactions.
Symmetric matrix. No directionality
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What is the goal of metabolic netwerk interference at cellular level? And at higher levels?

  • C: Search for link between metabolome data and underlying metabolic networks. (find method)
  • H: metabolite association networks: more about correlations, distinguishing healthy from disease etc

What are two similarity measures?

  • Correlation based (linear relationships)
    • eg pearson correlation
  • Entropy based (non linear relationships)
    • eg mutual information
    • usually for this, you need very many samples
  • Often in MNI: correlations are used

Why does MNI use correlations?

  • Systematic relationships between correlation networks and underlying biochemical network was shown to exist
  • A fingerprint of a particular condition
  • Succesfull applications in gene network interference using transcript measurements

But mostly practical (correlations vs eg entropy)

How are partical correlations calculated when you have many metabolites?

  • Full partialization: correct C1, C2, for all metabolites
    • extensive and a bit strong
  • Partialization on one: correct C1 and C2 for one metabolite, choose the one that minimizes Rpar
  • Partialization on two: correct C1, C2 for two metabolites that minimize Rpar

What is the overall scheme for partial correlation calculation?

  • Repeated observations required (because you are calculating correlations)
  • Repeats will not reproduce same data, even in same conditions
  • high number of repeats required to for estimating and siginificance

How can in silico models be used to test algorithms?

  • Use kinetic metabolic models to generate in silico metabolic data
  • Induce small variations
  • See if MNI works

How to mimic biological variation in a model?

  • Eznymatic : add variation to enzyme speed
  • intrinsic: add random factor
  • environmental: also random factor (works less well, more of a pattern)

How can you quantify quality of MNI method?

  • G-score
  • can only be calculated if true network is known!
  • G-score= sqrt(TNR * TPR)

What is the payoff with partial correlations?

It vastly decreases number of false positives, but you gain some false negatives.

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