Porduction of alcoholic beverages

6 important questions on Porduction of alcoholic beverages

What is the bacterie that produces alcohol?

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

By which factoros do you classify alcohol?

  1. Substrate (fruit, cereals ....)
  2. Distilled or not
  3. Simple or composed
  • simple: direct result of fermentation
  • composed: compounds are added after fermentation

How do you select a bacterie?

  1. Ability to flocculate (separate liquid form yeast)
  2. Alcohol tolerance
  3. Concentration of O2 in medium
  4. Tolerance of high temp
  5. Ability to ferment sugar
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What are te ingredients for brewing beer?

  • Malt
  • Water
  • Hop

How do the steps of making beer go?

  1. Mashing/cooking: of the grains
  2. Mashing
  3. Cooking
  4. Fermentation
  5. Filering
  6. Packaging

How do the steps in making wine go?

  1. Reception
  2. crushing
  3. first fermentation (fast)
  4. second fermentation (slow)
  5. Pressing
  6. Ranking and aging

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