Optional labelling of foodstuffs

6 important questions on Optional labelling of foodstuffs

When can you apply optional labeling?

When it is not in contraditing with the general rules of labeling

What are the different requirements for energy claims?

Low energy

Reduced energy / light: less then 30% of normal product

Energy without contribution

What are different claims with fat?

Low fat
Fat free
Low saturated fat
Saturated fat free
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What are the different clams for fibre?

Source of fiber High source of fiber

What are the rules for health claims?

The role of the substance
As treatment is prohibited
Reduction of disease riks can be claimed

What should the labeling include for health claims?

Eat a good variation of food
The amount of which it should be consumed to work
Which people should avoid it
Health risks for when you eat to much

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