Production of macromolecules: enzymes and biopolymers?

4 important questions on Production of macromolecules: enzymes and biopolymers?

Why do we use enzymes in food?

  • Improve the properties of food
  • Improve the production processes

What are the advantages of using enzymes for food?

They leave all the components that are not of intrest in tacked.
React under mild conditions

What are the most commenly used enzymes?

Lactases --> Remove lactose in milk
Renin --> Form a curd, with making cheese
Glycosidase --> used in wine to inhance aroma
Proteases --> hydrolses protein so the liquid will love clear
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What are common biopolymers of microbial origin?

  • Xanthan
  • Dextrans
  • Pullulans
  • Alginic acid

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