Technology, legalization and food safety - HACCP

13 important questions on Technology, legalization and food safety - HACCP

What are ste steps in applying HACCP?

  1. Formation of a HACCP team
  2. Product description
  3. Determine what the product will be used for
  4. Develop of flowchart
  5. Confirmation of the flowchart
  6. Implementation of the HACCP

How does the formation of the HACCP team go?

  • multidisciplinary team.
  • know how it is mad and sold, experience with the process
  • knowledge about food safety
  • knowledge about HACCP
  • Involved in the self control system

How does product description go?

  • Name of product
  • ingridients (incl amounts)
  • microbial and physic-chemical characteristics (pH, water activity, saltiness ect.)
  • Way of packaging
  • Tech treatment of product
  • storage conditions
  • System to indetify product
  • product life (expire date)
  • Destination: where the product is going --> hospital more careful!)
  • Expected use
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What is a flowchart?

Schematic and systematic representation of where to food goes to from production to marketing

Out of what does HACCP consist?

  1. hazard analysis
  2. critical control points
  3. critical limits
  4. monitor
  5. corrective actions
  6. certification
  7. documentation

What are the things that you need to take into account when you are analyzing a risk?

  • How likely it is it is that the hazard will occur and its severity
  • The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the presence of hazards
  • microbial hazard: when will the microorganisms multiply
  • production of toxins, chemical s or physical went
  • things that may contribute to the things above.

What is a biological hazard?

microbial hazard is a part of this

The presens, incorporation survival enz of living organisms in food.
micro organism and there toxins and viruses
prions ( part of protein that makes you sick)
living organisms (insects enz. )

What is a chemical hazard?

harmfull chemicals from raw material or process.
cleaning, pesticides heavy metal veterinary drugs

  1. Chemical contaminants
  2. Environmental contaminants
  3. Waste pharmacological and phytosanitary
  4. toxic compounds from processing
  5. toxic from material in contact with food
  6. natural toxins
  7. Endocrine distruptors (hormoonontregelaars
  8. Radionuclide
  9. Prohibited substanes or unauthorized substances
  10. unicellular algae or marine bio toxins

How do you determine the critical control points?

Establish a critical limit to determine what is unexaptile.
Like love a seen temp, time or pH

How do you monitor the CCP's?

a plannend sequence of observations or measurements of the parameters.
  • then
  • how
  • where
  • when
  • who

How do you determine corrective action?

Correct your mistake or do not use the product.

What can you do if the food is not safe?

  • Hold the food under good conditions in order to decide there destination
  • Repeat the process to get the right standards
  • Use it in an other product line (cocked instead of raw)
  • Give it an other destiny then human consumption
  • Destroy

How do you document and register?

You safe all your documents

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