Analysis and quality control - Types of analysis

19 important questions on Analysis and quality control - Types of analysis

Which types of sensory analysis are there?

Effective and Analytic

What is effective sensory analysis?

You test on preference, satisfaction and acceptation

How is a preference test done?

at least 50 people tast a product and tells you if they prefer it over an other product.
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What are the advantages of a preference test?

  • easy to organize
  • easy to perform
  • statistic analysis fast
  • does not require repetition
  • no tiredness in the pannel

What are the disadvantages of a preference test?

  • Little information is obtained
  • High probability of error
  • magnitude of preference
  • the reason for the preference is not known

What is the difference between a verbal and a facial hedonic?

verbal is in words an facial in pictures, this is nice for children.

For what is a satisfaction test used?

  • Developing new products
  • Measure the shelf life of products
  • Improve or match quality of competing product
  • meet consumer preference

What is a acceptation test?

Asking if the consumer is willing to buy it. Measuring the degree of preference and attitude

When is a acceptation test used?

  • Develop new products
  • changing technology
  • improve products
  • reduce costs
  • Measier the shelf life of products
  • The acceptation

What is a discriminative or differentiation test?

Difference in products by trained panels. (expert and non experts are used)

What is a Duo-trio test?

This is a test with 3 samples. One is reference rest should be compared with it. Ask to say which is equal to reference.

When is a Duo-trio test used?

  • Qulaity control (so panalist no very well the aspects of the reference)
  • developing new products
  • change of technology to reduce costs
  • selection and training of tasters
  • measure the lifetime of the product formulations
  • change formulations

What is a triangular test?

3 coded sampels in which one is different (so 2 are the same)

When is a triangular test used?

To compare the difference between 2 food products
Control training and panelists
When there is a small number of panelists or when they are not well trained

What is a pares or paired comparison?

Two samples are presented and wonders if there is a difference (there is a 1/2% chance)

What is a ordination test?

different samples and have to put them in order (less sweet to sweet) enz.

What is a descriptive test?

High trained tasters that rate the specifics of food (colour size enz.)

What is a descriptive --> category test?

Samples are placed into categories in a specific sacle.
Sample 1 is ... dark
Sample 2 is .. darnk enz.

When is a descriptive --> category test used?

  • Developing new products
  • Better or equal to competing product
  • change formulations
  • quality control
  • measure the shelf life of product by panelists
  • training

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