Applications of genetic engineering of food

9 important questions on Applications of genetic engineering of food

What are the 7 applications of genetic engineering in food?

  1. Improving the quality of raw materials of plants and animals
  2. Cell factories for production of enzymes and other compounds
  3. Molecular biology techniques for quality control in the food industry
  4. Nutrigenomics
  5. Molecular identification f pathogenic and spolage mo
  6. Detection of GMO's

What are expamples of components synthesized by GMO's?

Amino acids

What are the advantages of GMO's that produces enzymes and other components?

  • You can get things that normal are not obtained by a chemical syntheses or that are difficult to produce for microorganism
  • Optimize the production of the component
  • Less environmental impect
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What 3 methods are there for quality control with GMO's?

  1. Immunological techniques
  2. PCR based methods
  3. DNA microarrays

What is a Immunological technique?

For quality control of raw materials and fresh food.
ELISA, working with antibody's enz.

What is the PCR method?

DNA aplification

Advantage: speedy, specific, affordable
Disadvantage: Does not distinguish between life and death.

Why would you use GMO lactic acid bacteria?

Because you can choose the caracteristics.

Why do you use transgenic yeast?

Can improve the tast, give it a different tast and helps with clarification and other stuff like that.

What kind of assessments do you need to do before using a GMO?

  1. Health assessment
  2. Environmental assessment

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