Analysis and quality control - Basic concepts

5 important questions on Analysis and quality control - Basic concepts

What do you need to take into control when you are doing a sensory evaluation?

  • Control: noise, humidity, temperature, smell of the room, lighting
  • drink water and eat bread between samples

What is sensory perception?

What the consumer feels, smells, taste, hears when he eats the product.

What different kind of penelists are there and what do they do?

expert panellists
trained panelist without lab experience
panelist consisting out of consumers

first 2 are used to tasting and quality control
last one is to see respons of consumers
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What are the requirements of a panelist?

  • good concentration
  • avoid alcohol spicy food and coffee before
  • non smokers are preferred
  • not be tired
  • not be involved in making new products

How can an individual influence the test?

  • personality (preference)
  • motivation
  • psychological judgements
  • relationship motivation and perception.

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