BM 3100 MT2

10 important questions on BM 3100 MT2

Conflict is dysfunctional when...

it hinders org performance

Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR

uses faster more user friendly forms of dispute resolution instead of traditional adversarial approaches

6 types

Added Value Negotiation AVN

negotiating parties cooperatively develop multiple deal packages while building relationship
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Escalation of commitment bias

sticks to ineffective course of action when it is unlikely the situation can be reversed
pouring more money into an old beater

Analytical style decision making

like lots of data careful slow decision makers (alex)
high tolerance for ambiguity, over analyzers

Directive style decision makers

action oriented who focus on facts
low tol for ambiguity
efficient logical systematic practical

Conceptual style decision makers

intuitive decision makers who involve others in long term thinking
high tol for ambiguity
tend to focus on the people aspect of a work situation

Behavioral style decision makers

most people oriented
opinions accepted, supportive, open to suggestions, avoid conflict, more verbal than written

Decision Support System DSS

computer based interactive systems that help decision makers to use data and models to solve unstructured problems
all companies use it for example to find demand for new products and it works well

Core traits possessed by leaders

level of energy and activity
task relavent knowledge

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