Carr. Takenlijst

3 important questions on Carr. Takenlijst

Types of qualitative research: positivist and interpretivist. Explain

Positivist: objectively described and analyzed with scientific standards

Interpretivist: doesn't seek objective truth but looks for interpretations of events

Qualitative research can be characterized as using 3 types of reasoning, name and explain them

  1. Inductive: begins with the data and then generalizes or produces theoretical generalization from the data. A 'bottom up' approach, beginning at the bottom with the data and generalizing outward and upward from there.
  2. Abductive: build theory from 'surprises' in empirical data.
  3. Deductive: 'top-down' approach, where the theory or hypothesis drives the data-collection strategy and analysis. The researcher develops a hypothesis from the theory and literature and then tests this hypothesis with the data

Explain grounded theory (its not a theory but more a method of analyzing qualitative data

A systematic inductive approach to qualitative research. Which suggests that qualitative researchers should generalize conceptual relationships from data rather than formulate testable hypotheses from existing theory.
Because concepts are built from the ground up by field notes, interviews etc.

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