Morling. Takenlijst

3 important questions on Morling. Takenlijst

Explain measured and manipulated variables

Measured: one whose levels are simply observed and recorded. Such as height and IQ or gender.

Manipulated: a variable a researcher controls, usually by assigning study participants to the different levels of that variable. Eg some participants are given 10gr medication, others 20gr. Some variables cannot be manipulated, such as age.

What is a conceptual variable and conceptual definition

Abstract concepts such as 'school achievement' or spending time socializing'. Its sometimes called a construct. These variables must be defined at the theoretical level, when defined they are called conceptual definitions.

To operationalize is to turn a concept of interest into a measured or manipulated variable, this is the operational definition

Name the 3 validities when you come across a association claim

How well the 2 variables were measured (construct validity). Whether the results can be generalized (external validity) and evaluate the strength and significance of the association (statistical validity)

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