A great diversity in mechanisms of resistance - Non-host resistance - Genetics of non-host resistance

5 important questions on A great diversity in mechanisms of resistance - Non-host resistance - Genetics of non-host resistance

What relates to a trait that defines species non-host resistance?

- Non-host resistance is a trait that relates to a complete species being resistant to a particular pathogen.
- It is rarely possible to elucidate this trait through classical genetic research.

Which lettuce species can be crossed for genetic analysis?

- Lactuca sativa and non-cultivated plant species L. saligna can be crossed for genetic analysis.
- L. saligna is considered as far as we know and caused by Bremia lactucae.

What did the study of L. sativa and L. saligna hybrid cross result in?

- The hybrid cross study resulted in identifying the genes that control the complete resistance of L. saligna.
- At least 15 minor genes were involved.
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What sort of insights can be gained from genetic studies on host-pathogen combinations?

- Insights from these genetic studies may help understand the genetics of non-host resistance.
- Studies include host-pathogen combinations in which susceptibility is extremely rare or low-level.

What application of mutagenesis in genetic research has been indicated?

- Mutagenesis has been applied to obtain susceptibility in Arabidopsis to the barley powdery mildew.
- EPF genes have been identified that are required for non-host resistance.

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