Host resistance - Races

7 important questions on Host resistance - Races

How are races named in plant-pathosystems?

- Names reflect variation in pathogen-host interaction.
- Indicated by codes, refers to other pathogens, or a serial number.

What is primarily the basis for the nomenclature of races in plant pathogens?

- Based on genes for resistance that are ineffective against the race.

What formula is given to isolates of the bean leaf rust pathogen (P. lindemuthianum) to indicate avirulence to Rpg genes?

- Formula like 1,2,4,5,6/8,3,7,9, indicating avirulence to indicated Rpg genes.
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What special method is used to code races of rust fungi and what does the resulting number indicate?

- Summing unique numbers indicates virulence to specific cultivars.

How can a differential set of cultivars lead to understanding the virulence spectrum of pathogen isolates?

- Differential set shows which isolates differ in avirulence genes.

Why are differential sets of near-isogenic lines informative in assessing resistance?

- Show how isolates react to different resistance genes.

What can be maximally discerned from a differential set of only three cultivars?

- A maximum of three races can be discerned.

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