A great diversity in mechanisms of resistance - Non-host resistance - Host range

6 important questions on A great diversity in mechanisms of resistance - Non-host resistance - Host range

What limits the number of plant species that pestilent organisms can exploit?

- Only a few plant species serve as host to a limited number of pestilent organisms.
- These few plant species form the host range of that pathogen.

How is the term that describes an organism's capacity to infect certain plant species known?

- This capacity is called pathogenicity.
- Its adjective form is pathogenic.

What are organisms with a wide host range called and what are some examples?

- Organisms with a wide host range are termed generalists or polyphagous.
- Examples include green peach aphid and spider mite.
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What are organisms with a narrow host range named and what are some examples?

- Those with narrow host range are called specialists or oligophagous or even monophagous.
- Examples are barley leaf rust and cannabis leaf miner.

Why might being a specialist be considered a risky strategy for survival?

- Specialists depend on specific hosts, making it a risky survival strategy.
- They may face trouble if their particular host is scarce.

What advantage do specialists have that allows them to maintain a competitive edge?

- Specialists are abundant in nature.
- They have succeeded in maintaining a competitive advantage due to specialization.

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