Host resistance - Durability

11 important questions on Host resistance - Durability

What is considered a very important aspect in resistance breeding according to the introduction?

- Durability of introduced resistance.
- Ability to decrease in the course of time.

What phenomenon occurs when resistance genes for which the pathogen has evolved virulence by losing the corresponding Avr effector are called?

- This phenomenon is called breaking down or erosion.
- Resistance genes are called defeated R genes.

In the Dutch lists of recommended cultivars, how is the resistance score of cultivars often evident over several years?

- Resistance score declines over years.
- Initially rated as 9 or 10, eventually decline.
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What do McDonald and Linde argue regarding the evolutionary potential of a pathogen population to overcome genetic resistance in their host plant species?

- Pathogens adapt through mating system and gene/genotype flow.
- Pathogens can eventually break down resistance genes.

Which plant pathogens have been identified to fulfill the conditions that favor pathogen evolution according to McDonald and Linde?

- Bremia lactucae, Blumeria graminis.
- Plant pathogens with sexual and asexual reproduction.

Which pathogens tend to exclusively reproduce asexually and are soil-borne, as mentioned in the text?

- Fusarium oxysporum, Xanthomonas campestris.
- Meloidogyne incognita is a nematode.
- This group tends to be durably effective.

What is the definition of durability in plant resistance according to the text?

- Durability is effective resistance for a long period.
- It must remain on a large scale.

What does Table 9.9 indicate about the resistance of different cultivars to three pathogens between 1965-1979?

- The table shows resistance levels to Yellow rust, Powdery mildew, and Loose smut.
- Ratings are from 10 (completely resistant) to 1 (extremely susceptible).
- Arrows indicate where resistance broke down.

How is the durability of resistance judged according to the text?

- Judged after extensive cultivation and several years.
- Depends on effectiveness over time and area cultivated.

What information does the highlighted text about Flexigas flax reveal regarding pest resistance?

- Flexigas flax still has high resistance to flax rust after 15 years.
- It illustrates importance of acreage in durability definition.

What case study in the text exemplifies the breakdown of resistance over time?

- 'Armina' wheat was rated resistant but eventually broke down to yellow rust.

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