Host resistance - Supressors and susceptibilty genes

9 important questions on Host resistance - Supressors and susceptibilty genes

How are suppressors of resistance genes and genes required for resistance often identified?

- Identified by mutagenesis
- Mutagenesis can disrupt an R gene
- Results in a susceptible mutant

What is a mutated gene called when there is a mutation elsewhere on the genome, but the original R gene is not affected?

- Called a gene required for resistance
- Original R gene not affected by mutation

What can mutagenesis of a susceptible plant result in?

- Can result in a resistant mutant
- Mutated gene may be a susceptibility factor
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What does the wild type allele encode in relation to pathogen infection?

- Encodes a factor required for successful infection
- Factor required by the pathogen

What do susceptibility (S) genes do in plants?

- Allow for compatible interaction between host and pathogen
- Enable plant diseases caused by certain pathogens

What did the study by Chun and Pung find out regarding the R gene in Psrl and its resistance?

- Found new R gene response in Psrl susceptible to AvrLm1
- Investigated if Psrl gene from susceptible cultivar Carlsberg

What do natural mutant alleles of OsWRKY111 confer?

- Confer resistance to different bacterial strains
- Loss-of-function mutant alleles prevent disease

What results did the F2 test with AvrLm8 show in relation to Psrl and AvrLm1?

- Showed segregation ratio 12:1 for AvrLm8 race
- Psrl gene not expressed in presence of AvrLm8 gene

How does the presence of suppressor genes affect resistance genes?

- Suppressor genes are race specific
- Some suppress overall resistance, some are gene specific

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