Host resistance - Nomenclature of resistance genes

7 important questions on Host resistance - Nomenclature of resistance genes

How is monogenic resistance typically referenced in plants?

- Monogenic resistance is often of the hypersensitivity type.
- It refers to the gene attacker's scientific or English name.

What is observed about the nomenclature of resistance genes in tomato against Cladosporium fulvum?

- Traditional nomenclature is used, referencing the gene locus.
- Resistance genes are named after the locus on which they are located (e.g., Cf-1).

How are genes named in flax that confer resistance to rust?

- Each gene is named with a unique symbol in flax.
- The naming system resolves confusion by naming each code after the enemy species.
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What is the disadvantage of using a letter or number system in gene nomenclature?

- It can be unclear what the function or pathogen is.
- The name doesn't provide a clue to the gene or locus's function.

How are alleles for resistance genes indicated?

- Alleles are indicated with a letter or number if multiple alleles exist.
- They are assigned in the chronological order of discovery.

What is the coding system for the R genes in potato against Phytophthora infestans?

- Potato R genes use a complex, traditional system.
- The genetics of this heterozygous and tetraploid crop is complex.

How does the book introduce a fictional naming system for resistance genes?

- Fictional genes are named as R, followed by locus number.
- Example: R1a and R1b are on the same locus, indicating susceptibility allele r1.

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