Natural defence against pathogens and parasites - Resistance

5 important questions on Natural defence against pathogens and parasites - Resistance

What is resistance in plants?

- Resistance reduces pathogen growth/development after contact.
- Operates primarily against herbivores, insects, parasites, and pathogens.
- Can involve distasteful or toxic substances to predators.

How is resistance to being eaten by herbivores regarded in plants?

- It's seen as a form of resistance.
- Examples include pests that increase mortality and lower growth rate.

What is antibiosis in the context of plant resistance?

- Antibiosis is resistance leading to higher mortality and reduced pest reproduction.
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How is resistance measured in plants?

- By comparing pathogen quantity on a resistant plant to a susceptible plant.

What difficulties are involved in quantifying plant pathogen infection?

- Plant-pathosystems are difficult to quantify, especially for systemic or root infections.
- Severity of symptoms is an indirect resistance measure.

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