A great diversity in mechanisms of resistance - Non-host resistance - Definition

4 important questions on A great diversity in mechanisms of resistance - Non-host resistance - Definition

What are all plant species resistant to?

- Resistant to the majority of potential attackers.
- Known as non-host to large majority of potential attackers.

What may allow some reproduction of a pathogen in a plant presumed to be a non-host under certain conditions?

- A plant of a presumed non-host species may allow pathogen reproduction after a heat shock.
- This is one issue in assigning non-host status to plant species.

Why might some plant species be considered non-host on insufficient evidence?

- Not extensively investigated plant species may be hastily judged as non-host on too scant evidence.
- This presents a problem in accurate non-host status assignment.
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What is a challenge in taxonomy related to pathogen species?

- The taxonomy of species, especially in pathogen species as formae speciales, is often not clear-cut.
- This complicates the assignment of host and non-host status.

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