International relations - the British state and the rest of the world

9 important questions on International relations - the British state and the rest of the world

When and between whom was the Falklands War fought?

It was fought in 1982 between the government of Great Britain ( Margaret Thatcher!) and Argentina. The Argentinians invaded the Falklands/Malvinas Islands, but  the inhabitants were in favour of remaining British. So the British government came to their aid and won.

What was the attitude of some countries towards Britain when they lost their empire in the second half of the 20th century?

Some countries were happy the empire was dismantled, but some other islands have all wished to continue with the empire, because they were afraid of being swallowed up by their neighbours. For Britain, these wishes mean 3 things: 
  1. Pride - they suggest how beneficial the British imperial administration must have been;
  2. Embarrassment - the possession of colonial territories doesn't fit with the image of a modern democratic state;
  3. Irritation - because it costs money.

Name some of the remnants of the British empire.

Falkland Islands
Cayman Islands
British Virgin Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands 
British Indian Ocean Territory
St. Helena
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How come the attitude towards the British government changed in 1982?

Because of the government spending hundreds of millions of pounds recapturing the Falklands/Malvinas Islands from the invading Argentinians. In 1983 it easily won the general election, because most people felt Britain was finally doing something right and doing it well.

What (3) strong feelings does the UK have towards the remnant of the empire?

  1. Pridebecause it suggests that the imperial arrangement is
  2. Embarrassmentthe possession of colonial territories does not fit with the
    democratic state
  3. Irritation because it costs money

What are the three branches of the armed forces? and which of those is the oldest?

The Royal Navy, the Royal Airforce (RAF) and the army. The Royal Navy is the oldest (dating back to King Alfred) and is therefore known as 'the senior service'. 

Which other military interventions did britain take part in since the Falklands War?

 In the 1990's: The Gulf War, the Balkan peace keeping effords; in  2003: the war in Iraq (teaming up with the Americans)  and the military presence in Afghanistan.

What does CND stand for?

It stands for  Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Since the 1950s it has argued, on both moral and economic grounds, that Britain should cease to be a nuclear power. Although not consistant, it has had a lot of popular support at times. Britain still has a nuclear force, although tiny compaired to that of the USA

What is the 'Peace benefit' after the Cold War?

It is a back scaling of military spendings to the benefit of the economy. Folowing US president W H Bush, Margaret Thatcher proposed to do so after the Cold War (between the West and the Soviet Union) ended in at the end of the 1980s. Some polititians and many military professionals protested because they thought Britain would not be able to meet its commitments in the world.


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