Attitudes - Formality and informality

4 important questions on Attitudes - Formality and informality

How formal or informal is a typical British person?

The tourist view of Britain involves lots of formal ceremonies and therefore many people think that the British are rather formal in their general behaviour. This is not true and this can be explained by clothes:
  • On duty: obey some rules on this matter. Wearing suit and tie.
  • Free time: wear whatever he/she wants. 

What is a good indication of the difference between formal and informal?

Attitudes towards clothes. When people are on duty they have to obey some quite rigid rules on this matter. But when they are not in a public role almost everything is tolerated.

Are the British a cold people? Why?

No, they are not. Being friendly in Britain often involves showing that you are not bothering with the formalities. This means not addressing with a title (Mr./Mrs.), shaking hands, etc. If you are formally dressed and set the table, the British are not flattered but intimidated. If they say 'help yourself' this means they are not rude, but see you as a close friend/part of the family'.
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Why are British often seen as rude in informal situation by foreigners?

Being friendly in Britain often involves showing that you are not bothering with the formalities. This means not addressing someone with their title, not dressing smartly when entertaining guests, not shaking hands and not saying please when making a request.

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