The Arts - Words

9 important questions on The Arts - Words

Who was is named in the literary canon as important poet in the 14th century?

Geoffrey Chaucer

Who were named in the literary canon as important poets in the 17th century (2)

John Donne
John Milton

Who was is named in the literary canon as important poet in the 18th century

Alexander Pope
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Who was is named in the literary canon as important poet in the 19th century

William Wordsworth

Name 3 prose writers of the 19th century

Jane Austen
Charles Dickens
George Eliot

Name 3 prose writers of the 20th century

James Joyce
D.H. Lawrence
William Golding

Name 2 drama writers of the 20th century

Samuel Beckett  (Irish)
Harold Pinter

Name 3 poets of the 20th century

W.B Yeats (Irish)
T.S. Eliot
Seamus Heaney (Irish)

What is more popular as a free-time activity; reading or watching professional football


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