The Media - Television: style

5 important questions on The Media - Television: style

What has caused a change in style and content of programs shown on TV?

The advent on ITV. 

What is the ratings war? 

The BBC and main commercial channels are in constant competition with each other. They all show a wide variety of programs, but they all want to do it better in order to get the largest audience.

What is a particular importance in the ratings war? 

The soap opera's, because they show British attitude and taste. Two examples are: 
  1. ITV's Conoration Street, which is about working-class area near Manchester;
  2. BBC's EastEnders, which is about working-class area in London.
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Name 2 popular soap series

1. Coronation street (ITV)
2. EastEnders (BBC)

Why were BBC2 and Channel 4 created?

In the 1960s popularity of soap operas made less time available for educational aims of television. That’s how BBC2 and Channel 4 were created, which acted as the main promoters of learning and ‘culture’.

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