Waterborne and Foodborne Bacterial and Viral Diseases - Campylobacter

5 important questions on Waterborne and Foodborne Bacterial and Viral Diseases - Campylobacter

What makes Campylobacter a prevalent bacterial foodborne disease, and which species are commonly linked to human infections?

Campylobacter causes 1.3 million cases yearly, with C. jejuni and C. fetus frequently associated with human foodborne illnesses.

Describe the primary sources of Campylobacter transmission to humans and the prevalence of contamination in specific food items.

Campylobacter is transmitted through undercooked poultry, pork, raw shellfish, and sometimes feces-contaminated water. Up to 90% of turkey and chicken carcasses may be contaminated.

Explain the infection process of Campylobacter after ingestion, including the conditions that influence the initiation of infection.

Campylobacter multiplies in the small intestine after ingestion. Gastric acid sensitivity requires higher initial cell numbers, reduced with food ingestion or acid-reducing medications.
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Describe the pathology of Campylobacter food infection. What are the major vehicles for this pathogen?

Campylobacter food infection occurs when contaminated food or water is consumed. The bacteria, typically found in poultry, raw milk, and untreated water, invade the small intestine causing inflammation, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever. The pathogen can also spread to the bloodstream in severe cases. Prevention includes proper food handling and thorough cooking of poultry to kill the bacteria.

How might Campylobacter contamination of food production animals be controlled?

Biosecurity measures, vaccination, hygiene, and antimicrobial control can help control Campylobacter contamination in animals.

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