Microbial Infection and Pathogenesis - Colonization and Invasion

6 important questions on Microbial Infection and Pathogenesis - Colonization and Invasion

What is colonization, and how does it relate to the growth of microorganisms in host tissues?

Colonization is the growth of microorganisms in host tissues after gaining access. It begins at mucous membranes, and pathogens adhering to these surfaces may lead to infection.

Describe the composition and formation of dental plaque in the context of dental caries.

Dental plaque is a complex mixed-culture biofilm composed of various bacterial genera and their products. It forms on tooth surfaces, especially in the presence of acidic glycoproteins from saliva, and contributes to dental caries.

Explain the term bacteremia and differentiate it from septicemia.

Bacteremia refers to the presence of bacteria in the blood, typically self-limiting and asymptomatic. Septicemia involves bacterial multiplication in the bloodstream, leading to systemic spread, toxins, inflammation, and potential septic shock.
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What role does invasion play in infectious diseases, and how does it contribute to the severity of the disease?

Invasion is the ability of a pathogen to enter host cells or tissues, spread, and cause disease. Depending on the pathogen, host condition, and immune response, invasion can lead to localized infections or severe systemic infections with potentially life-threatening consequences.

Define viremia and provide an example of a disease associated with systemic viremia.

Viremia is the presence of viruses in the bloodstream. An example is measles, a highly infectious disease that can lead to systemic complications in individuals not vaccinated.

What happens when measles are entering the body?

When measles enter the body, they infect the cells of the respiratory tract, causing symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, and red eyes. The virus then spreads throughout the body, leading to the characteristic rash that appears a few days later. Measles can also weaken the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to other infections. It's important to get vaccinated to prevent measles infection.

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