Microbial Ecosystems - Hydrothermal Vents

9 important questions on Microbial Ecosystems - Hydrothermal Vents

What types of chemolithotrophic metabolisms dominate hydrothermal vent microbial ecosystems?

Chemolithotrophic metabolisms dominate hydrothermal vent microbial ecosystems. Sulfidic vents support sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, while other vents support nitrifying, hydrogen-oxidizing, iron- and manganese-oxidizing, or methylotrophic bacteria.

How do hyperthermophiles thrive in the hydrothermal vent environment, especially in black smokers?

Hyperthermophiles thrive in the hydrothermal vent environment by colonizing the gradients that form as superheated water mixes with cold seawater. For example, within the walls of black smoker chimneys, hyperthermophiles like Methanopyrus, a species of Archaea, oxidize H2 and produce CH4.

What is the primary microbial diversity observed in volcanic hydrothermal vent environments?

Studies of microbial diversity in volcanic hydrothermal vent environments have revealed an enormous diversity of Bacteria, particularly dominated by Proteobacteria, including Epsilonproteobacteria, Alpha-, Delta-, and Gammaproteobacteria. Archaea, while less diverse than Bacteria, prevail in samples recovered from the walls of hot vent chimneys and include methanogens and species of marine Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota.
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What are the electron donors and electron acceptors thought to play a role in chemolithotrophic metabolisms at hydrothermal vents?

Chemolithotrophic metabolisms at hydrothermal vents involve various electron donors and acceptors. For example, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria oxidize reduced sulfur compounds with either O2 or nitrate (NO3 -) as electron acceptors. The types of electron donors and acceptors vary depending on the specific vent environment.

What is the role of microorganisms in Lost City carbonate chimney walls?

Carbonate chimney walls of Lost City vents are primarily populated by methanogens of the genus Methanosarcina. These microorganisms thrive on H2-rich fluids that permeate the porous, CO2-rich chimney walls.

What are the main characteristics of hydrothermal vent microbial communities in terms of their response to environmental conditions?

Hydrothermal vent microbial communities are a reflection of microorganisms whose metabolisms are most compatible with the conditions and resources available. Whether in nutrient-rich or nutrient-poor environments, microbial communities will develop, and populations will respond dynamically to the conditions of their environment.

What are hydrothermal vents, and where are they typically found?

Hydrothermal vents are underwater hot springs that are located at depths ranging from less than 1000 m to greater than 4000 m. They are found in regions of the seafloor where volcanic magma and hot rock have caused the floor to split open at crustal spreading centers or where minerals associated with ancient rocks react with seawater and generate heat.

What are the two main types of volcanic hydrothermal systems, and how do they differ?

The two main types of volcanic hydrothermal systems are warm, diffuse vents (with temperatures ranging from ∼5 to 750°C) and very hot vents, also known as black smokers (with temperatures ranging from 270 to 7400°C). Diffuse vents emit gently flowing, warm fluids from cracks in the seafloor, while black smokers emit hot hydrothermal fluids from chimneys formed by the rapid mixing of acidic hydrothermal fluids with cold, oxygenated seawater.

What is the "Lost City" formation, and how does it differ from volcanic hydrothermal vent environments?

The "Lost City" formation is a hydrothermal vent environment located in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. It is formed from the exposure of minerals associated with ocean crust that was once deep beneath the seafloor. Unlike the acidic volcanic black smoker systems, the Lost City vents have alkaline fluids that react with seawater, resulting in the formation of calcium carbonate chimneys.

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