Waterborne and Foodborne Bacterial and Viral Diseases - Listeriosis

6 important questions on Waterborne and Foodborne Bacterial and Viral Diseases - Listeriosis

What are the major sources of Listeria contamination in foods, and why is refrigeration less effective in preventing its growth?

Ready-to-eat meats, fresh soft cheeses, unpasteurized dairy, inadequately pasteurized milk. Listeria is psychrotolerant, surviving in refrigerated conditions.

Describe the infection cycle of Listeria monocytogenes, focusing on key virulence factors and the impact on host tissues.

Phagocytic uptake triggers listeriolysin O release, allowing multiplication, actin polymerization via ActA, and spread to organs, leading to meningitis.

What are the main diagnostic methods for listeriosis, and what antibiotics are commonly used for treatment?

Diagnosis involves culture from blood or cerebrospinal fluid; molecular methods for subtyping. Antibiotics include penicillin, ampicillin, or trimethoprim plus sulfamethoxazole.
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Explain why pasteurization or cooking is crucial for preventing Listeria contamination in finished food products.

Listeria is susceptible to heat. Raw food and equipment can be decontaminated, but only pasteurization or cooking eliminates the risk due to the pathogen's widespread distribution.

• What is the likely outcome of Listeria monocytogenes exposure in normal healthy individuals?

Mild flu-like symptoms or gastrointestinal issues can occur from Listeria monocytogenes exposure in healthy individuals.

Which populations are most susceptible to serious disease from L. monocytogenes infection?

Pregnant women, newborns, elderly, and those with weakened immune systems are most susceptible.

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