Microbial Symbioses with Humans - The Skin and Its Microbes

9 important questions on Microbial Symbioses with Humans - The Skin and Its Microbes

Describe the factors influencing the diversity of the skin microbiota.

The diversity of the skin microbiota is influenced by microenvironments with varying temperature, pH, moisture, sebum content, and surface characteristics. Environmental factors like weather, host age, personal hygiene, and antimicrobial fatty acids on the skin also play a role.

Explain the microbial diversity among different skin microenvironments, highlighting the dominant bacterial phyla and genera.

Skin microenvironments, categorized as moist, dry, or oily, exhibit diverse microbial communities. Dominant bacterial phyla include Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. Genera such as Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium, and Staphylococcus typically dominate different phylotypes.

Discuss the role of sweat in controlling microbial diversity on the skin.

Sweat, high in salt and antimicrobial substances like free fatty acids and peptides, contributes to controlling microbial diversity on the skin. It influences the abundance of specific bacterial taxa, playing a role in maintaining skin health.
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Examine the influence of host factors, such as age and personal hygiene, on the composition of the normal skin microbiota.

The age of the host affects the skin microbiota; young children have a more varied microbiota with potentially pathogenic gram-negative bacteria. Personal hygiene is also a significant factor; individuals with poor hygiene typically have higher microbial population densities on their skin.

Discuss the transition and changes in the skin microbiome associated with sexual maturation.

The skin microbiome undergoes a major transition during sexual maturation. In young children, Streptococcus spp., Betaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria dominate, while postadolescent young adults exhibit dominance by species of Propionibacterium and Corynebacterium.

Explain the influence of encounters with dogs on the human skin microbiota.

Studies show that adult dog owners share more skin microbes with their own dogs than with other dogs. Close and regular contact between different species, such as humans and dogs, can result in a significant sharing of their microbiomes.

Compare the microbial diversity between the skin microbiota and the oral/gut microbiota of canines.

In canines, the skin microbiota is less diverse compared to the oral and gut microbiota. The skin microbiota of dogs mainly consist of bacteria like Staphylococcus and Malassezia, while the oral and gut microbiota are more diverse with a wider variety of bacterial species like Bacteroides and Prevotella. Overall, the oral and gut microbiota of canines have a richer microbial diversity compared to the skin microbiota.

Compare the populations of microorganisms in the three major skin microenvironments

The three major skin microenvironments - sebaceous (oily), moist, and dry - have different populations of microorganisms.
- Sebaceous skin has more Propionibacterium acnes,
- moist skin has more Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium
- Dry skin has a more diverse microbial community with fewer bacteria overall.
Each microenvironment provides a unique niche for specific microbes to thrive and interact with the skin.

Describe the properties of microorganisms that frow well on the skin

Microorganisms that grow well on the skin typically have the ability to withstand the skin's natural defenses, such as the acidic pH, antimicrobial peptides, and commensal bacteria. They also tend to thrive in warm and moist environments, making the skin an ideal habitat. Additionally, these microorganisms often have mechanisms to adhere to and colonize the skin surface, allowing them to establish long-term populations.

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