The Microbial World - Light Microscopy and the Discovery of Microorganisms

6 important questions on The Microbial World - Light Microscopy and the Discovery of Microorganisms

Who made the very first compound microscope? And when?

Hans and Zacharia Jansen around 1595.

Who used the microscope the first time for biological purposes? And when?

Robert Hooke in 1664.

What did Robert Hooke look at?

He looked at flea and made a cartoon of what he saw. He also looked at cork.
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What did Antoni van Leeuwenhoek make and what did he do with it?

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek made a very simple but superior microscope. He put the specimen on a lens and hold it into the sunlight. This was the beginning of light microscopy.

What are four different types of light microscopy?

  • Bright-field microscopy
  • Phase-contrast microscopy
  • Dark-field microscopy
  • Fluorescence microscopy

What is bright-field microscopy?

In a bright-field microscope specimen are visualized because of differences in contrast (density) between specimen and surroundings. Two sets of lenses are used, an objective and an ocular lens.

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