Metabolic Pathway of Microorganisms - Photosynthesis and Chlorophylls

7 important questions on Metabolic Pathway of Microorganisms - Photosynthesis and Chlorophylls

Of which two distinct sets of reactions that operate in parallel is photoautotrophy comprised?

  1. Light reactions (produces ATP)
  2. Dark reactions (light-independent, reduces CO2 to cell material)

Where do dark reactions get their energy from for the reduction of CO2?

ATP, and electrons in the form of NADH or NADPH.

What is the electron donor for oxygenic photosynthesis and what is produced? For what is the electron used?

H2O is the electron donor and it's required for the reduction of NAD(P)H+. O2 is the product.
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What are reaction centers?

The complex macromolecular structures that participate directly in the reactions that lead to energy conservation. They are surrounded by antenna pigments.

What are antenna pigments?

Larger numbers of light-harvesting chlorophylls/bacteriochlorophylls that surround reaction centers. They function to absorb light and funnel some of the energy to the reaction center. They are also called light-harvesting pigments.

What are chromatophores and membrane stacks called lamellae?

Common membrane arrangements in purple bacteria for photosynthesis.

What is a chlorosome?

A photosynthetic membrane present in anoxygenic green sulfur bacteria, filamentous anoxygenic phototrophs and photosynthetic Acidobacteria. Light energy absorbed by their antenna pigments is transferred to bacteriochlorophyll a through the FMO protein.

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