Epidemiology and Public Health - Characteristics of Disease Epidemics

6 important questions on Epidemiology and Public Health - Characteristics of Disease Epidemics

What are the characteristics of disease epidemics?

- Distinct features
- Common-source or host-to-host
- Common source often intestinal disease
- Host-to-host transmission continues between hosts

What does R0 represent in disease epidemics?

- Basic reproduction number
- -number of Secondary transmissions from a single case in susceptible population
- Estimates infectivity but hard to calculate precisely

How is R calculated in disease epidemics?

- Observed reproduction number
- Derived from studies of actual disease spread
- Data collection is challenging but easier number to calculate
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What example illustrates a quick response reducing the observed reproduction number in a disease epidemic?

- SARS epidemic in 2003
- Quarantining measures decreased R from 3.6 to 0.7

What is the basic reproduction number (R0) for Pertussis?

- 17

What percentage of herd immunity is necessary for community protection from Polio?

- 86%

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