Microbial Cell Structure and Function - Cell Surface Structures

5 important questions on Microbial Cell Structure and Function - Cell Surface Structures

What are the three different cell surface structures?

  • Capsules and slime layers
  • Fimbriae
  • Pili

What are capsules and slime layers?

Capsules and slime layers are polysaccharide layers. They can be thick or thin, rigid or flexible.

What are the functions of capsules and slime layers?

The functions of capsules and slime layers are assisting in attaching to surfaces, protect against phagocytosis, and resist desiccation (=uitdroging).
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What are fimbriae? What is their function?

Fimbriae are filamentous protein structures. They enable organisms to stick to surfaces or form pellicles (thin sheets on liquid surfaces).

What are pili? What is their function?

Pili are filamentous protein structures, but typically longer than fimbriae. They assist in surface attachment, facilitate genetic exchange between cells (conjugation), and facilitate gliding.

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