Conflicts - Causes of armed conflict

4 important questions on Conflicts - Causes of armed conflict

What are cultural causes of an armed conflict?

  • Culture or religion is usually not the only cause of armed conflicts, it's often a combination of a skewed power distribution, the feeling of subordination and poverty
  • Sunnis and shiites in the Middel East
  • Youthbulge: A large number of 15-29 years olds in the population (many young people)

What can be an economic cause of an armed conflict?

  • Natural resources: riches that occur in or on the planet by nature (oil, diamonds, etc) in a country with a lot of natural resources the chances of conlicts are bigger that in countries without, called: abundance paradox

What is a dictatorship?

In conflict areas there is often an authoritarion regime, a dictatorship: The power lies with one person or a small group.
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What is a failed state?

Failed state: A nation with a government that has almost no control, widespread corruption, crime and economic chaos. Sometimes bc of conflict or war

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