System Analysis and Design Methods

22 important questions on System Analysis and Design Methods

Give an example of a data flow diagram.

An ER diagram.

What are the stages in OO development? Explain shortly what they are about.

Object Oriented Analysis (OOA): process of analyzing or modeling the requirements for a system using objects, attributes and relationships
Object Oriented Design (OOD): process of translating or specifying a physical software structure that is composed of reusable components (objects) built from the object model defined in OOA.
Object Oriented Programming (OOP): process of creating programs using collections of self-sufficient objects with encapsulated data and behavior that interact with one another via messages.

Draw the fountain model. And explain it.

The fountain model is an agile model. It produces new systems in cycles.

It has overlapping stages.
The description of the problem keeps in mind the possible solution (analysis and design is mixed here).
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What is the Object-Oriented Development Life Cycle?

Process of progressively developing representation of a sysetm component (or object) through the phases of analysis, design and implementation. The model is abstract in the early stages. But as it evolved it becomes more detailed.

What is the Unified Modeling Language (UML)?

It is a language/notation for specifying, visualizing and constructing the artifacts of software systems, as well as business models.

What are the stages in UML?

- System requirements: use cases
- Object-oriented domain analysis: decomposition of the problem domain in concepts, attributes and associations
- System design: transforming functional requirements into working system
- Implementation: producing the code

What are the UML model views? And what are they for?

Sequence diagrams & Collaboration diagrams & Activity diagrams: for interactive behaviour: flow of control among objects to achieve system-level behaviour, the activity diagrams are about the processes
Statechart diagrams: for dynamic behaviour: possible life histories of an object
Use case diagrams: for requirements
Class diagrams & Object diagrams: for static structure: kinds of objects and their relationships
Component diagrams & Deployment diagrams: for physical implementation structures: software modules and deployment on physical nodes

Note: you do not need to know the component and deployment diagrams.

What are the objectives of UML?

- Define events, state transitions, and sequence diagrams.
- Describe concepts (in business concepts not in system details) and principles of object-orientation
- Describe activities of the different phases of object-oriented development
- Develop dynamic models with state, interaction, and activity diagrams
- Model real-world applications with UML

What is a Use Case Model? And what does <<include>> and <<extend>> in the example of the use case model mean?

The model gives the full functioning for a specific business purpose and the interaction between actors (who is involved in the sytem?) and the system.

<<include>> means that both use cases need to include the use cases otherwise (good) execution is not possible
<<exclude>> means that the use case can be extended with the connected use cases

What is a conceptual model?

It is part of the object-oriented domain analysis phase. It decomposes the poblem domain in concepts, associations between concepts, and the attributes of the concepts.

What are the features of a class diagram? Explain the difficult concepts.

- It has objects and classes.
- It encapsulated the attributes and operations
- It features polymorphism: same operation may apply to two or more classes in different ways
- It features inheritance: one class is a special case of another class
- It features aggregation and composition

What is an association, association role, and multiplicity?

An association is a relationship among instances of object classes
An association role is the end of an association where it connects to a class
Multiplicity indicates how many objects participate in a given relationship

What is generalization? How do you show it in a class diagram?

The subclass inherits attributes, operations, and associations of the superclass.

There is an open arrow top pointing at the superclass.

What two types of superclasses exist?

Abstract: cannot have any direct instances
Concrete: can have direct instances

How do you show aggregation and composition in a class diagram? Explain the concepts.

Aggregation is represented with an open diamond. An aggregation is a part-of-relationship between a component and an aggregate object.
Composition with a filled diamond. A composition is an aggregation in which the part object belongs to only one aggregate object and lives and dies with the aggregate object.

What is dynamic modeling and what are the types of UML dynamic models? Explain them.

Dynamic modeling is a representation of activities that occur thoughout the lifetime of a system.

Types of UML dynamic models are:
- State diagram: state changes within an object (about one specific class)
- Sequence diagram: time-sequences interactions between objects (within one specific use case)
- Activity diagram: flow of control between activities within an object

A state diagram has a state, state transition and an event. Explain the three concepts and mention how it is shown in the diagram (if possible).

State is a condition during the life of an object during which it satisfies some conditions, performs some actions or waits for some events. It is shown as a rectangle with rounded corners.

A state transition is the change in the attribute of an object or in the links an object has with other objects.  It is shown as a solid arrow, diagrammed with a guard condition and action.

An event is something that takes place at a certain point in time, triggering a state transition.

What are interaction diagrams? Mention the two.

Interaction diagrams visualize how objects interact to realize a certain goal (normally about one use case).

The two diagrams are sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams.

What is a sequence diagram? And what are its elements?

A sequence diagram depicts the interaction among objects during certain periods of time. What will happen in the course of time to satisfy the use case. It has a time focus.

The elements are objects, lifeline, activation, and messages.

What is the purpose of a collaboration diagram?

It shows the generic structure and behaviour.

What is an activity diagram? And what are its elements?

It shows the conditional logic for the sequence of system activities needed to accomplish a business process.

The elements are activities, transitions, branches, synchronization bar, and swimlines.

Note: Nowadays often BPMN models used.

How do you go from analysis to design and deployment?

Start with existing set of analysis models. Then progressively add technical details. The design model must be more detailed than the analysis model.

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