Process Automation

10 important questions on Process Automation

What gap does there exist in the Process implementation phase of the BPM lifecycle?

There is a communcation gap between the people who made the to-be model and the people who are going to make the executable process model.

What BPMN elements are irrelevant for execution?

- Physical data objects
- Messages bearing (dragen) physical data objects
- Data stores (both the physical and the electronical)
- Pools and lanes
- Text annotations

What does the process modeling tool do?

The process modeling tool is a part of the BPMS. It creates and modifies executable process models (by specifying execution properties). It stores and retrieves automation solutions form a process model repository. And may import from conceptual process modeling tools.
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What does the execution engine do?

It is part of the BPMS. It instantiates executable process models (a.k.a. "casses"). It orchestrates (regiseert) distribution of work items to process participants and software services in order to execute a business process from start to end. And it logs execution data.

What does the worklist handler do?

The worklist handler is part of the BPMS. It works actually as an "inbox". It offers work items to process participants and allows participants to commit to these work items. It handles participants' work queues and work item priorities. And it may provice social network capabilities.

What is the difference between pull and push relating to work distribution?

In push work distribution there is selected a "victim" for each work item. Here there will be the shortest queue. The most appropriate resources will be selected. Items are processes sequentially.

In pull work distribution the workers select work items themselves. It is detemined by the people. They select to start and/or select to allocate a work item.

What do administration and monitoring tools do?

It is part of the BPMS. They manage automation solutions. They configure access to system components. And they monitor participants availability and performance of process cases.

What do the external services do?

It is not part of the BPMS, but interacts with it. It is a service interface with which the execution engine of the BPMS can interact. The engine provides the invoked service with the necessary data it will need to perform the activity for a specific case. Examples are rules engine, email or Twitter notification, DB connector, CRM connector.

Mention some different BPMSs softwares.

Big vendors: IBM BPM, Oracle BPMS, Microsoft BigTalk, SAP NetWeaver BPM
Other closed-source: Appian BPMS, BizAgi BPM Suite, Bosch inubit Suite, Preceptive BPMOne
Commectial open-source: Bonita Open Solution, Camunda Fox
Community open-source: Shark, YAWL

What are the three BPMS classifications according to BPMN support? Explain them and give an example.

- Pure BPMN: (re)designed from the gound up to follow the spec to the letter. Examples are IBM BPM, Appian BPMS, Camunda Fox
- Adapted BPMN: use a BPMN skin but rely on internal representation - predate BPMN. Examples are: Bonita Open Solution, BizAgi BPM Suite
- Non BPMN: proprietary language and semantics. Examples are Bosch inubit Suide, BPMOne, YAWL

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