Business Process Models

13 important questions on Business Process Models

What are Business Process Models?

A business process model is a collection of related, structured acitivities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a customer or customers.

What are the different phases in the business process lifecycle?

Process design is typically a BPMN
Process enactment is the execution

There are different models for different phases

What is the procedural or imperative business process modeling paradigm about? And what are potential problems?

The procedural or imperative business process modeling paradigm focuses on defining an activity sequence that will result in obtaining the related corporate goal. These activity sequences can be easily represented in graph-based languages.

Potential problems:

•Inflexible, all execution paths must be anticipated
•Difficulties with demonstrating compliance
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What is the declarative process modeling paradigm about?

The declarative business process modeling paradigm focuses on capturing and defining regulatory or internal directives in constraints, e.g. sequence relationships among the different activities. With a minimum specification of the relevant business concerns, some freedom is left for the exact activity sequence,

How are rules enforced in declarative business modeling?

Declarative business rule modeling does not make use of control flows to indicate when and how business rules are to be enforced. The execution semantics of the declarative process models need to define an execution model in which different kinds of business rules are automatically enforced.

What is goal driven execution?

During the execution of a declarative process model, a suitable execution scenario is constructed that realizes the business goals of the process model. This is called goal driven execution.

What is the difference between the design models Procedural Process Models, Declarative Process Models, and Hybrid Process Models? Also give an example of each.

- Procedural Process Models give a precise specification of control-flow, e.g. petri-net, BPMN, EPC
- Declarative Process Models specify as event conditions (constraints), e.g. ConDec, DecSerFlow, ECA
- Hybrid Process Models have a placeholder activity and a rule-based adaption, there is some control flow over the different steps, but within each step there is flexbility, e.g. placeholder activities in BPMN

What is the difference between the run-time models Procedural Process Enactment, Declarative Process Enactment, and Hybrid Process Enactment? Also give an example of each.

- Procedural Process Enactment: straightforward execution based on execution paths, e.g. BPEL, YAWL
- Declarative Process Enactment: Dynamic run-time development of an execution scenario, there is no control and it is very slow, e.g. ECA, LTL
- Hybrid Process Enactment: execute base process and switch to other paradigm for placeholder, this is something in the middle of the first two, e.g. link between Declare and YAWL

What are the traditional transitions between design-time positions and run-time positions? And what is the use case for each?

Procedural Process Modeling --> Procedural Process Enactment
Use case: business processes in a stable environment with predictable execution paths

Hybrid Process Modeling --> Hybrid Process Enactment
Use case: business processes that contain both stable and highly evolving parts of consist of both predictable and non-predictable execution parts

Declarative Process Modeling --> Declarative Process Enactment
Use case: business processes in a highly evolving environment and/or business processes with non-predictable execution paths

What does the cross-paradigm transition mean? What are the three in class mentioned transitions? Explain.

Not doing the traditional transition between design and run-time positions, but switching to another one.

The three mentioned transitions are:
- Procedural - Declarative: the procedural model is transformed in rules.
Use case: business processes in distributed implementation environments
- Declarative - Procedural
Use case: business processes that require high flexibility at design-time and high efficiency at run-time
- Hybrid - Procedural
Use case: business processes that often need to be customized to the specific needs of particular situations

What is the difference between declarative and procedural paradigms?

Declarative focuses on capturing and defining regulatory or internal directives in constraints, run-time scenario building
Procedural focuses on defining an activity sequence that will result in obtaining the related corporate goal

On what does the selection of the optimal transition type depend?

On the nature of the business process and its environment

There are two architecture styles for using the procedural process or the declarative rules first.

- "The chicken": the procedural process-first style: execution scenarios are explicit, design choices are implicit. Excellent for stable processes, highly standardized.
- "The egg: the declarative rules- first style: Rules, choices and goals are explicit, execution scenario is derived. Compliance (nakoming) by design. Excellent for volatile processes, many exceptions, agility.

There also exists combinations of both

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