BPM and Process Modelling

23 important questions on BPM and Process Modelling

What is Business Process Management (BPM)?

Body of principles, methods and tools to design, analyze and monitor the business processes.

What is the connection between information technology and business value?

Information technology enables process change, which yields business value.

In what two ways can you engage in BPM? Explain both ways.

- Continuous Process Improvement (CPI): Seeks to identify issues and resolve them incrementally, one step at a time and one fix at a time. Does not put into question the current process structure.
- Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR): Aims to achieve breakthrough. Puts into question the fundamental assumptions and principles of the existing process structure.
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What are business processes? And give some examples.

A business process is a collection of related events, activities and decisions, that involve a number of actors and objects, and that collectively lead to an outcome that is of value to an organization or its customers.
Examples are: order-to-cash, quote-to-order, procure-to-pay, application-to-approval, fault-to-resolution (or issue-to-resolution), and claim-to-settlement

What is the difference between positive and negative outcomes of a process?

Positive outcomes deliver value, negative outcomes reduce value.

Mention the four core elements of a process and explain them.

- Activities: Activities are active elements, they consume time and demand a resource, they change the state
- Events: Events are passive elements, they represent conditions or circumstances, they are atomic and instantaneous
- Business objects (or data): these are organizational artifacts that undergo state changes, the information can be physical or electronical
- Actors (or resources): these are the entities that perform process activities and generate events, it can be humans and/or systems

There are three different process perspectives. Mention and explain them.

- Control flow perspective: what needs to be done and when, predecessor/successor relationship among activities and events, the central information depicted in a process model
- Data perspective: what do we need to work on, input/output data to activities, complements the control flow
- Resource perspective: who is doing the work, human participants and systems that perform control flow activities and generate events, complements the control flow

What is process identification?

In process identification you define an organization's business process.
Also citeria to priotitize the management of these processes are established

Why do you do process identification?

To understand the organization. And to maximize the value of BPM initiatives.

What is the output of process identification? Explain.

The output is a process architecture. It captures business processes and their scope. This serves as a framework for defining priorities and scope of subsequent BPM phases.

What are the two phases in process identification and mention the steps within each phase.

- Designation phase: enumerate the main process, and determine the process scope (boundaries and interrelationships)
- Evaluation phase/Process selection: Evaluate processes, alignment with strategic objectives, health (e.g. performance, compliance, sustainability), culture and politics, feasibility to being successfully improved, risk of not improving them. Example for doing this is the APQC Process Classigication Framework

The evaluation phase within process identification answers three questions. What are these questions and to what does this lead?

The first question is about importance: which processes have the greatest impact on the organization's strategic goals?
The second question is about dysfunction: Which processes are in the deepest trouble?
The third question is about feasibility: Which process is the most susceptible to successful process management?

These three questions lead to Process Portfolio Management.

What are the four phases in process discovery? Explain them.

1. Define the setting: assembling a team in a company that will be responsible for working on the process.
2. Gathering information; building an understanding of the process. Different discovery methods can be used to acquire information on a process.
3. Conducting the modeling task: organizing the creation of the process model. The modeling method gives guidance for mapping out the process in a systematic way.
4. Assuring process model qualtity: guaranteeing that the resulting process models meet different quality criteria. This is important for establishing trust in the process model.

Who is involved in process discovery?

The domain expert and the process analyst.

What are the challenges in process discovery?

- Fragmented process knowledge: every person knows a little bit.
- Domain experts think on instance level: they think they know what is possible (?)
- Knowledge about process modelling is rare

Mention all process discovery techniques and one strength and weakness of every technique.

- Document analysis: S: structured information, independent form availability of stakeholders. W: outdated material, wrong level of abstraction.
- Observation: S: context-rich insight into process. W: Potentially intrusive, stakeholders likely to behave differently, only few cases.
- Automatic discovery: S: Extensive set of cases, objective data. W: potential issue with data quality.
- Interview: S: detailed inquiry into process. W: requires sparse time of process stakeholders, several iterations required before sign-off.
- Workshop: S: direct resolution of conflicting views. W: synchronous availability of several stakeholders.

To set up the business process model you need to gather information/material. What are the different steps to do this? And explain the first step.

1. Identify the process boundaries: the conditions under which the process starts, the result with which the process does end, and the perspective you assume.
2. Identify activities and events.
3. Identify resources and their handovers.
4. Identify the control flow.
5. Identify additional elements.

Mention at least 4 different modelling notations/languages.

Transition systems (most basic representation), petri nets (i.e. workflow nets), BPMN, YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language), EPCs (Event Driven Process Chains), UML Activity diagrams, Causal nets, BPEL, IDEF3

What are the semantics when a transition executes in a Petri net?

A transition can fire when it contains at least one token in each of its input places. When a transition fires:
- it consumes one token from each of its input places
- it produces one token in each of its output places

What happens if you have a loop in your Petri net?

If you have a loop in your Petri net you have unlimited sequences to execute, since you can do the loop again and again.

What are workflow nets and what are its characteristics?

A workflow net is a subclass of Petri nets, typically used for modelling processes. It's characteristics are:
- it has one input place (source place): a place with only outgoing arcs
- it has one output place (sink place): a place with only incoming arcs
- the nets is strongly connected: there is a directed path between any pair of nodes

Mention the four types of elements in BPMN.

Events (circles)
Tasks (rectangles with rounded corners)
Flow (arcs/arrows)
Gateways (diamonds)

What are the four routing patterns in BPMN? Explain and draw them in Petri net and in BPMN.

- Sequential: first A then B, sequence pattern
- Parallel: A and B at the same time or in any order, there are AND-splits (parallel split pattern) and AND-joins (synchronization pattern)
- Choice: A or B, there are XOR-splits (exclusive choice pattern) and  XOR-joins (simple merge pattern)
- Iteration: multiple A's (strucutured loop pattern)

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