Information and Strategy

18 important questions on Information and Strategy

Mention the three forms of strategic advantage and, if applicable, some examples of improvements.

- Competitive advantage, examples are: the competitive forces (Porter), the value chain approach (Porter), and the customer life cycle
- Cooperative advantage (joined forces)
- Internal organization/advantage (system that organizes the internal operations), improvements are: better decisions, better communication, and better information management

Can you use ICT in the value chain? Explain.

Yes, you can use ICT in the value chain. For each support and primary activity there are ICT related activities to it. Some examples for each activity are:
- Firm infrastructure: ERP, Information System Technology
- HRM: Self-service personnel administration, Training technology
- Technology development: Product technology, Software development tools
- Procurement: Information systems technology, Marketplaces
- Inbound logistics: Shipping, Real-time integrated scheduling
- Operations: Sheduling and decision-making, Integrated information exchange
- Outbound logistics: Real-time transactions, Automated contract management
- Marketing and sales: Customer-tailored marketing, Customer profiling
- Service: E-mail response, On-line customer support

What are the different strategies that companies can use? Explain them.

- Product differentiation: there is no direct substitute for the product, this stratgies diminishes the bargaining power of the customer
- Lowest cost and lowest price
- Find a market 'niche': this is a combination of the previous two strategies
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What does the Customer Resource Life Cycle want to find out?

Where you should put the extra money. For example in sales, or marketing.

What are the different steps in the Customer Resource Life Cycle? And explain them.

- Determine the need: Here you establish the requirements, and specify the attributes
- Acquire the product: Here you locate the supplier, order the product, authorize and pay for the product, acquire the product, and test and accept the product
- Manage the product's use: Here you maintain the inventory, monitor the product, upgrade the product, and repair the product
- Dispose of the product: Here you dispose or transfer, and you account for the product

Note: you use IT in all the steps

What is information management?

Goals and directives for dealing with information and organization of information procurement. (Leads to areas, principles, and constraints)

What is information planning?

Translating the strategies, goals and constraints from information management to an information plan. (Leads to information systems, requirements, opportunities, and guidelines)

What are the different parts of an information plan?

- Architecture plan
- Projects plan
- Software development standards
- Technical infrastructure plan
- Social plan
- Organizational plan

What are the dangers of defining the scope?

Since the scope boundaries are not fixed, you can get scope creep. There are two dimensions of scope creep:
- Depth/Infinite regression: It is more complex than thought.
- Width/Escalation: It is bigger than thought.

Mention the six Opportunity Identification Frameworks.

- Porter's five/six forces
- Porter's value chain approach
- Customer Life Cycle
- Critical Success Factors
- 'Embrace and Extend'
- Balanced Score Card

When do you use which technique to find opportunities?

               100 |                                 |                                |
                      |         Federation      |        Complex         |
                 75 |     Critical Success  |         Eclectic         |
                      |           Factors          |                                |
Difussion 50 |------------------|----------------- |
                      |        Traditional       |        Backbone       |
                 25 |  Stages of Growth | Business Systems  |
                      |                                 |      Planning           |
                      0            25             50            75             100

Diffusion is 0 if you company is centralized. It is 100 if every little thing will be detected.
Infusion: In a small/medium company this is 0, in a big company this is 100.
Eclectic means that there is no optimal solution available, they need a little bit of everything.

What is system improvement?

This is the lowest level, requirements are defined for an IT system, the scope of the work is delineated, and the Analyst's authority is limited to the project itself.

What is process improvement?

The process analysis is added by investigating the processes that give rise to the requirements. The analyst's authority is expanded (from the project) to the underlying processes for which the IT system is a solution.

What is business improvement for BA?

The scope of the project and the analyst's authority are high and analysis involves enterprise strategies and senior level management.

Tell something about the article from Hammer about oblirating the process instead of automating it.

Companies tend to use technology to mechanize old ways of doing business, for example computers for speeding up existing processes. But speeding up processes canot address fundamental performance deficiencies. Also companies operate according to unarticulated rules. So Hammer says we should stop paving the cow paths, since quality, innovation and service are more important. We should use IT for radically redesigning business processes. But when you do redesign, you should do all in once, you cannot redesign in steps.

What are the different departments of the business model?

Business motivation, business rules, organization structure, business process, (which all lead from) business vocabulary

What are the three perspectives of the business manifesto? And what would be the fourth one?

- The business rules manifesto
- The decision management manifesto
- The business process manifesto

The fourth perspective would be the vocabulary.

What do the permissions and obligations of the actors in a business process stand for?

They constrain and determine the sequence flow.

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