Process verification and validation

9 important questions on Process verification and validation

Where does process verification and validation take place in the BPM lifecycle?

Process discovery and process analysis. The as-is model will be used for quality checking.

What are the three dimensions of quality and the accompanying techniques?

The three dimensions of quality are:
- Semantic quality: technique is validation
- Pragmatic quality: technique is certification
- Syntactic quality: technique is verification

What are the errors in this picture? Explain.

1. Deadlock
2. Lack of synchronization: the XOR-join won't wait for the second action. It will end up with two tokens.
3. Potential lack of synchronization (would be potential deadlock with AND-join)
4. Livelock: you keep repeating something without being able to finish or continue

Another example: Control flow error: control flow goes across the border of pool.
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What are the three requirements for soundness?

1. The option to complete: you should check whether for each case it is always possible to reach the state which just marks place "end"
2. Proper completion: if place "end" is marked (so end place is reached) all other places are empty for a given case. If this does not complete: lack of synchronization
3. No dead transitions: it should be possible to execute an arbitrary activity by following the appropriate route through the Workflow net. A dead transition is neither fired or used at any combination.

Tell something about the quality according to the three requirements of soundness.

The option to complete is fulfilled. The proper completion requirement is fulfilled. But there is a dead transition at p6. p6 will never be able to fire in any scenario.

On what things will be checked for the semantic quality?

Completeness: is everything modeled? is nothing missing?

What is pragmatic quality? What will be checked?

This could be for example the layout of a model, like straight lines.

How to formulate labels in a model?

- Tasks as verb-object: send letter
- Events as object-passive-participle: message received
- Conditions with reference to object: amount bigger than 3000

What are the Seven Process Modelling Guidelines (7PMG)?

G1. Use as few elements in the model as possible
G2. Minimize the routing paths per element
G3. Use one start and one end event
G4. Model as structured as possible
G5. Avoid OR routing elements
G6. Use verb-object activity labels
G7. Decompose a model with more than 50 elements

Note: teacher sometimes uses 30 elements

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