Processes, Rules and Requirements

19 important questions on Processes, Rules and Requirements

What are the different types of requirements? Explain them

- Functional requirements: the funtionalities the system should have.
- Non-functional requirements: feature or quality of the system, not directly related to funtional behaviour: reliability, performance, availability
- External requirements: extra demands with regard to the system, hardware, users, etc. 
- Project requirements: various demands about the project trajectory (deadlines, budget, release date, etc.)

What is the purpose of requirements engineering?

To provide a narrative definition of functional and other requirements that the stakeholders expect to be satisfied in the implemented and deployed system.

What is requirements engineering?

It includes all activities performed to identify, analyze, document and manage requirements.
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What are the three dimensions of requirements engineering?

- Specification dimension: about completeness
- Representation dimension: about formality
- Agreement dimension: about agreements 

Note: you need to try to reach all three of them

What happens if the requirements are wrong?

- Late delivery and higher costs than expected
- User is not satisfied
- Shadow system: the user has built its own system
- Unreliability of the system
- High maintenance cost

What are the sub-processes in the requirements engineering process? Explain them.

- Requirements elicitation: obtaining the requirements
- Requirements analysis and negotiation: classification of the requirements, negotiation with stakeholders and determining priorities of the various requirements
- Requirements specification: documenting the requirements
- Requirements validation: validating the obtained requirements

What are the different methods for requirements elicitation and in what groups can they be divided?

Traditional methods: interviews, surveys and questionnaires, observation, document analysis
Specific methods: prototyping, brainstorming, JAD, RAD

What is the goal of interviews and what are the different interview types?

The goal is to identify, verify, and clarify information with the involvement of stakeholders and creating new ideas.

Different interview types are:
- Unstructured interview: there are no specific questions
- Structured interview: there is a specific set of prepared questions
- Open-ended questions
- Closed-ended questions

Mention the pro's and con's of interview method.

Pro: motivation, open answers, flexible, in person
Con: time, analist skills, practical organization

What are the different questionnaire types?

- Fixed format questionnaire: there is a predefined set of answers
- Free format questionnaire: there is an open field for the answers

What are the pro's and con's of the questionnaire method?

Pro: fast, cheap, can be anonymous, asynchronous, easy to analyze fixed format questionnaires
Con: low participation, unanswered questions, unflexible questions, time-consuming preparation, no supervision

What are the pro's and con's of the observation method?

Pro: observe complex tasks, relatively cheap, gather data, data gathered can be very reliable
Con: observations are not always representative, timing, variations, missing situations, the influence of being observed

What is document analysis and what is its purpose?

Document analysis is collecting and analyzing representative documents.

The purpose is to look for problems and causes. Analyze the data collection and reporting requirements of the system. And to prepare for interviews.

What is brainstorming? And mention a technique used during brainstorming.

Encourage participants to propose new ideas.
A technique used during brainstorming is the Ishikawa Diagram.

What are problems during requirements elicitation?

- Problems of scope: collect limitation of the scope of the system, the scope is too big to solve the problem

- Problems of understanding: diversity of backgrounds of stakeholders (make a glossary), too formal or informal, structuring information  

- Problems of volatility: requirements can change during or after the development of the system, new requirements for stakeholders can evolve

What are the different modeling requirements in requirements analysis?

- Enterprise modeling: analyze the structure and rules of the business
- Data modeling
- Behavioural modeling: modeling the dynamic behaviour of stakeholders
- Domain modeling: an abstract description of the world in which the system will operate
- Decision modeling

How to specify the requirements (requirement specification)?

There should be a formal document describing the requirements of the proposed information system.

What are the criteria you can use for requirements validation?

Accuracy, comprehensability, consistency, completeness, feasibility, traceability, verifiability, adaptability

Is the requirements engineering process an iterative process?

Yes it is, see the picture.

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