Business Rules

17 important questions on Business Rules

Mention the 6 horizontal and vertical dimensions of the architecture framework.

Vertical: scope, business model, system model, technology model, detail representation, functioning business capacity
Horizontal: What (data), How (process), Where (location), Who (work), When (timing), Why (motivation)

What is a business rule and what are its properties?

An atomic piece of re-usable business logic, specified declaratively.
It properties are: business, declarative, atomic (connot be reduces without losing business meaning, it is very small (one sentence)), re-usable (can be applied more than once at different places, independent of the system)

What is the difference between policy and regulations?

The policy is internally defined, like strategies, tactics, code of conduct
The regulation is externally defined, like the legislation, or norms
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What are the two kinds of business rules? Explain them.

Operative business rules: about doing things, about behaviour, these can be violated
Structural business rules: about things you need to know, about business knowledge, these can be misunderstood or misapplied, but not violated

There are different languages to describe the business rules in, mention them and explain.

- Natural language: this is unclear and ambiguous
- Logic: this is powerful and unambiguous, but not for business people
- Structured English rules: this makes a trade-off between the ease of use (but not very powerful) and powerful (but difficult to use)
- Decision trees, tables, graphs, and diagrams: these representations are meant for different purposes
- Object Constraint Language: which is a part of UML, this is useful for pre- and postconditions

What facets does the vocabulary exist of? Explain them.

The vocabulary exists of:
- Noun concepts/Concept: define concepts using terms, names, etc. (e.g. customer: person responsible for a car rental)
- Verb concepts/Fact type: associate the concepts to define the fact types , fact types are built on concepts, fact types are expressed using fact type forms (e.g. customer rents car on rental)
- Business rules: these are based upon fact types (e.g. every driver must have a valid licence)

Note: You can make a fact model in which this these facts and associations are pictured

What are the two kinds of modality/rules in order to create business rules offered by the SBVR (semantics of business vocabulary and rules)?

Structural Business Rules (definitional rules, necessities):
- "it is necessary that...": if always
- negation "it is impossible that...": if never
- advice "it is possible that...": if sometimes

Operative Business Rules (behavioural rules, obligations):
- "it is obligatory that...": if must
- negation "it is forbidden that...": if must not
- advice "it is permitted that...": if may

How is a business rule contructed?

Mention the term. Then start with a fact (type): the connection between the terms, add a modal operator (modality rules), then quantify and qualify (e.g. "each", additional fact types or conditions.

What are the two types of rules? Explain.

- Static rules: a rule that never changes, it is fundamental
- Dynamic rules: rules that are dynamic (rules in operation/in real time), production rules, Event-Condition-Action (ECA) (on event, if condition, do action)

What is the difference between core business rules and work practice rules?

Core business rules are directed at achieving the business goals. Tends to change gradually (with for example a reorganization).
Work practice rules are directed at the operation of the organization. 

There may be different work practice rules in different types of location for the same core business rules.

What is the vision of the Business Rules Approach?

Policies and rules of the business are an important source of change, but these elements are often not explicited, hidden in systems or processes, inflexible and difficult to change when the business changes.

What are the aims of the Business Rules Approach?

- Design based on EXPLICIT business concepts
- Facilitate SPECIFICATION of business rules
- VERIFICATION and validation of business rules
- UPDATE business rules without changing the system
- Change business rules DYNAMICALLY
- MANAGE/MAINTAIN business rules by non-technical participants
- Straightforward IMPLEMENTATION of business rules

What are the five classifications for rules?

- Mandatory constraint: approve or reject transaction
- Guideline: if true, generates a warming, but does not reject business transaction
- Action enabler: test conditions, if conditions are satisfied, it generates a message or starts an action 
- Computation: generates new knowledge, calculates value
- Inference: test conditions, if conditions are ture, new facts are derived

What are the kinds of business rules (form)?

- Integrity constraints: restrict the domain over which facts can range
- Derivation rules: define new fact in terms of existing facts
- Event reaction rules: define the reactions to new business events, given some conditions
- Permissions and obligations: of collaborating actors

What are typical application areas for business rules? Give an example for each.

- Complex business logic areas: like credit assessment, or social security
- Dynamic and volatile business logic areas: like CRM, or segementation
- Business control areas: like self-service

What are the six rule issues?

1. Rule modelling: where do the rules come from?
2. Rule quality: how do we make sure we have the right rules?
3. Rule maintenance: how do we get new (and the right) rules quickly? If one rule changes, then what is the impact?
4. Rule management: Tools for the business
5. Rule (activity) monitoring
6. Rule enactment: how do we get them to work immediately?

What are the different kinds of decisions?

- High-value, low-volume decisions: like investments
- Medium-value, medium-volume decisions
- Low-value, high-volume decisions: like insurance

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