Systems Development Life Cycle

10 important questions on Systems Development Life Cycle

What are traditional problems in IS development? Explain if possible.

- Underestimating the development time: 90% syndrom, you reached the 90% in 6 weeks, it will take another 6 weeks to reach the 100% because you do not see all the difficulties coming
- Underestimating the maintenance cost: maintenance cost is big part of the total costs
- Insufficient analysis: you should do enough analysis upfront, the later you find an error the more it will cost
- Project estimation and planning

What are the problems for doing cost estimation?

- Unclear specifications
- New by definition
- Influencing factors
- New technologies
- Scope creep

What steps are in the information systems life cycle?

1. Information systems planning: what is the problem we want to solve?
2. System analysis: What are the elements of the problem?
3. System design: try to figure out the solution.
4. System implementation
(5. System maintenance)
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What is the phasing principle?

It exists of multiple phases, depending on the model used (think of the 'cascade model', the 'b'-model, and the prototype model).

In every phase you do the following:
- You check to results of the previous phase
- You check the network of activities
- You check the techniques
- You check the delivarable items
- You monitor and manage
- You have a final report

Eventually you approve the decision

What are the delivarable items of the phasing principle?

For the phase system inception this will be the System Requirements Specification: time and budget constraints
For the system analysis phase this will be the Funtional Specification: project plan (time and budget), quality management plan, acceptance test specification
For the system design phase this will be the System Design Specification: a refined project plan, a refined quality management plan
And for the system production phase this will be modules and program code: so user documentation, and acceptance test description

What does RAD and JAD stand for?

RAD = Rapid Application Development
JAD = Joint Application Design

What are (next to the traditional development) other alternative design methods for the system?

Prototyping, JAD, RAD, and extreme programming

What are disadvantages of prototyping?

The foundation can be bad after a lot of adapting/addings
The system can always be improved, it never stops

What are the two types of prototyping? Explain them.

- Evolutionary prototyping: improve the system every time. Hope it will ever be good. But it is hard to have the good architecture at the beginning.
- Throw-away prototyping: prototype till you know what you want and built it in real. In reality there is not time for this.

What is incremental development?

At the beginning you have no idea what the functional specification should be. You first find out what the system really should do. Then you find out the requirements.

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