The Global Context of Europe

22 important questions on The Global Context of Europe

What is the different between imports and exports?

Imports is a product make or grown abroad but sold domestically.
Exports is products made or grown domestically but shipped and sold abroad.

Globalization has benefits that governments and businesses are aware of. What are some of its benefits?

New technologies have made international travel, communication and commerce faster and cheaper. Sometimes a firm must expand into foreign markets to keep up with competitors.

What are the distinctions between countries based on wealth?

  • High income countries
  • upper-middle-income countries
  • lower-middle-income countries
  • low-income countries
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What are the 5 different trade agreements and alliances?

  • North America Free Trade Agreement
    • agreement to gradually eliminate tariffs and other trade barriers among the US, Canada and Mexico
  • European Union
    • agreement among major European nations to eliminate, or make uniform, most trade barriers affecting group members.
  • Association of South-East Asian Nations:
    • organization for economic, political and cultural cooperation among southeast Asian nations.
  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    • international trade agreement to encourage the multilateral reduction or elimination of trade barriers in 1947
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
    • organization through the member nations negotiate trading agreements and resolve disputes about trade policies and practices in 1995

What are the goals of WTO?

  • Promote trade by encouraging members to adopt fair trade practices
  • Reduce trade barriers by promoting multilateral negotiations
  • Establish fair procedures for resolving disputes among members 

What is the difference between trade deficit and trade surplus?

Trade deficit is a situation in which a country's imports exceeds its exports creating a negative balance of trade.
Trade surplus is a situation in which a country's exports exceeds its imports creating a positive balance of trade.

What is balance of payments?

Flow of all money in and out of a country

What happens when an economy's currency is strong?

  • Domestic companies find it harder to export products.
  • Foreign companies find it easier to import products.
  • Domestic companies may move production to cheaper production sites in foreign companies.

What are forms of competitive advantages?

Absolute advantage; the ability to produce something more efficiently than any other country can.
Comparative advantage; the ability to produce some products more efficiently than others.

What are international competitive advantage stemming from a combination of?

  • Factor conditions
  • demand conditions
  • related and supporting industries
  • firm strategies, structures, rivalries

What is the difference between exporter and importer?

Exporter is a firm that distributes and sells products to one or more foreign countries.
An importer is a firm that buys products in foreign markets and then imports them to sell domestically.

What is an international firm?

Firms that conduct a significant portion of its business in foreign countries

What is a multinational firm?

Firm that designs, produces, and markets products in many nations.

What is an independent agent?

Foreign individual or organization that agrees to represent exporters interests

What is licensing arrangement?

Arrangement in which firms choose foreign individuals or organization to manufacture or market their product in another country (franchising)

What is a branch office?

Foreign office set up by an international or multinational

What is an strategic alliance?

Arrangement in which a company finds a foreign partner to contribute approximately half of the resources needed to establish and operate a new business in the partner's country.

What is foreign direct investment?

Arrangement in which a firm buys or establishes tangible assets in another country.

What are the three barriers to international trade?

  1. Social and cultural differences
  2. economic differences
  3. legal and political differences

What is a tariff?

Tax levied on imported products

What is local content law?

Law requiring that products sold in a particular country be at least partly made there

What is business practice law?

Law or regulation governing business practice in given countries

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