Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualisation - The Emerge of Visual Analytics

4 important questions on Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualisation - The Emerge of Visual Analytics

What are the main reasons for the recent emergence of visual analytics?

A growing palate of data visualization techniques and tools that enable the users of business analytics and BI systems to "better communicate relationships, add historical context, uncover hidden correlations and tell persuasive stories that clarify and call to action."

What is the difference between information visualization and visual analytics?

Information visualization: aims to answer on "What happened?", "What is happening?". closely associated with BI (routine reports, scoreboards, dashboards)
Visual analytics: aims to answer on "Why is it happening?", "What is more likely to happen?". usually associated with business analytics (forecasting, segmentation, correlation analysis).

Why should storytelling be a part of your reporting and data visualization?

Creating a good story can aid you and your senior management in focusing on what is important.
Stories bring life to data and facts. They make sense, is easier to understand.
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What is a high-powered visual analytics environment? Why do we need it?

A highly efficient visualization system.
We need it because of the increasing demand for visual analytics and fast-growing data volumes.

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