An Overview of business - A Framework for Business Intelligence

8 important questions on An Overview of business - A Framework for Business Intelligence

List and describe the major components of BI.

1. Data warehouse: with its source data
2. Business analytics: A collection of tools for manipulating, mining, and analyzing the data in the data warehouse
3. Business performance management: For monitoring and analyzing performance
4. User interface: Like a dashboard

Brief History of BI

  • The term Business Intelligence (BI) was coined by the Gartner Group in the mid-1990s.
  • The concept is much older; it has its roots in the MIS reporting systems of the 1970s.
  • A good BI-based enterprise information system contains all the information executives need.
  • Original concept of EIS was transformed into BI.
  • by 2005, BI systems started to include artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities as well as powerful analytical capabilities.

Define Online Transaction Processing (OLTP).

A type of computer processing where the customer responds immediately to user requests. Each request is considered to be a transaction, which is a computerized record of a discrete event, such as the receipt of inventory or a customer order.
OLTP handles a routine ongoing business.
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Define Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).

Processing for end-user ad hoc reports, queries, and analysis.
DW's are intended to work with informational data used for OLAP systems.

List some of the implementation topics addressed by Gartner's report.

Gartner's framework decomposes planning and execution into business, organization, functionality, and infrastructure components.

List some other success factors of BI

Real-time (bijv. RFID)
agile environment.

Traditional BI: large volums of static data for reporting.
Now need for: monitoring, performance analysis, understanding why things happen.

What is BAM: Business activity management.

It bypasses the DW entirely and uses web services or other monitoring means to discover key business events. These software monitors (or intelligent agents) can be placed on a separate server in the network of on the transactional application databases. To use event- and process-based approaches to proactively and intelligently measure and monitor operational processes.

Real-Time, On-Demand BI is Attainable

  • A category of products called real-time BI applications has emerged.
  • The introduction of new data-generating technologies, such as radio-frequency identification (RFID) and other sensors is only accelerating this growth and the subsequent need for real-time BI.
  • The need is not just reporting because business users need business monitoring, performance analysis, and and understanding of why things are happening.
  • these can assist users who need to know about changes in data or the availability of relevant reports, alerts, and notifications.
  • Business applications can be programmed to act on what these real-time BI systems discover.

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