Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualisation - Different types of Charts and Graphs

4 important questions on Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualisation - Different types of Charts and Graphs

Why do you think there are many different types of charts and graphs?

Different questions need different chart types. Not all answers are suited with the same visualization type.

Abela 2008 (original version of Taxonomy)

What are the main differences among line, bar and pie charts? When should you use one over the others?

Line chart: 2 vars. often used to track changes/trends over time
Bar chart: nominal or numerical data that splits into categories. To compare results and trends within your data.
Pie Chart: only to illustrate  relative proportions. Useful if not more than 4 categories.

Why would you use a geographic map? What other types of charts can be combined with a geographic map?

When data includes location data.
Can be combined with
  • Pie charts.
  • to show distribution.
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Find and explain the role of 2 types of charts that are not covered in this section.

Interactive animated bubble chart:

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