Future Trends, Privacy and Managerial Considerations in Analytics - Cloud Computing and Business Analytics

7 important questions on Future Trends, Privacy and Managerial Considerations in Analytics - Cloud Computing and Business Analytics

Give examples of companies offering cloud services

Amazon.com, Salesforce.com, IBM(Bluemix), Microsoft (Azure), Google

How does cloud computing affect BI?

It has resulted in new offerings in BI and permits an organization to scale up its data warehouse and pay only for what it uses.

How does DaaS change the way data is handled?

"Any business process can access data wherever it resides".
Customers can move quickly thanks to the simplicity of the data access and the fact that they don't need extensive knowledge of the underlying data.
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What are the different types of cloud platforms?

3 major types: IaaS (Infrastructure as a service), PaaS, SaaS
DaaS (and IaaS but in the sense of Information as a Service), AaaS

Why is AaaS Cost Effective?

AaaS is a part of Saas, Paas an IaaS (infrastructure).

Name at least 3 Major cloud service providers

Amazon Elastic Beans
IBM Bluemix
Microsoft Azure
Google App Engine

Give at least 3 examples of analytics-as-a-service providers

Aster Analytics as a Service (Teradata Aster) - MapReduce
IBM Watson Analytics
SAS Visual analytics and visual statistics
Tableau: major visualization software
SNOWFLAKE: cloud base data warehouse

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