Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualisation - Information Dashboards

5 important questions on Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and Visualisation - Information Dashboards

What is an information dashboard? Why are they so popular?

Information dashboards are common components of BI or Business analytics platforms, business performance management systems and performance measurement software suites.
They provide at a single glance important consolidated information.

What are the graphical widgets commonly used in dashboards? Why?

Line and bar charts
Geographical maps

List and Describe the 3 layers of information portrayed on dashboards;

Monitoring: Graphical, abstracted data to monitor key performance metrics
Analysis: Summarized dimensional data to analyze the root case of problems
Management: Detailed operational data that identify what actions to take to resolve a problem
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What are the common characteristics of dashboards and other information visuals?

  • they all fit within the larger BI and/or performance management architecture of the larger system.
  • Visual components to highlight in a glance
  • Transparant to the user, minimal training needed
  • Combine data into a single summarized unified view of the business
  • Drill-down, drill-through
  • Dynamic, real-world view, data refreshes, user stays up-to-date
  • If any, only little customized coding needed to implement, deploy and maintain

What are the best practices in dashboard design?

data, data, data...
Is it reliable?
Is it timely?
Is any data missing?
Is it consistent with other dashboards?

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