Big Data Concepts and Tools - Big Data Technologies

5 important questions on Big Data Concepts and Tools - Big Data Technologies

What are the common characteristics of emerging Big Data technologies?

They take advantage of commodity  hardware to
  • enable scale-out and parallel-processing techniques
  • employ non-relational data storage capabilities to process unstructured and semistructured data
  • apply advanced analytics and data visualization technology to Big Data o convey insights to end users

What is MapReduce? What does it do? How does it do it?

Is a programming model, not a programming language.
Is a technique to distribute the processing of very large multistructured data files across a large cluster of machines.
high performance is achieved by breaking the processing into small units of work that can be run in parallel across the hundreds, potentially thousands of nodes in the cluster.

What is Hadoop? How does it work?

Hadoop is an open source framework for processing, storing analyzing massive amounts of distributed unstructured data.
It breaks the data up in parts, which are then loaded into a file system made up of multiple nodes running on commodity hardware.
Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS)
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What are the main Hadoop components? What functions do they perform?

Hadoop is an open source framework for processing, storing analyzing massive amounts of distributed unstructured data.
Young technology, still immature

What is NoSQL? How does it fit into Big Data analytics picture?

No Sql = Not Only SQL is a new paradigm to store and process large volumes of unstructured, semi structured and multi-structured data.
Still immature

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